Sensitivity to Children from Non-Christian Homes



$ 9.99

What are you doing to minister specifically to children from non-Christian homes? Perhaps this subgroup of children is always in the forefront of your mind, but there's also the possibility that you don't differentiate between children from Christian and non-Christian homes. While we're not suggesting you single out these children, it is important to consider their unique situations and be tuned in to their distinctive needs. This downloadable resource will help you begin to think about how you can be sensitive to children from non-Christian homes.

Table of Contents:

Discard Your Assumptions
Realize that each child's situation is different. 1 John 5:1-2a

Curriculum Issues
Consider changes you might need to make to your curriculum. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Christian Mentors
Create a structure for kids to interact with Christian adults. Proverbs 22:6

A Matter of Honor
Think about ways kids can honor non-Christian parents. Exodus 20:12

Additional Resources
Books, downloads, and websites to help build your children's ministry.

$ 9.99

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