Reaching People



$ 14.99
How should your leaders respond to the increasingly secular world around them? In a powerful interview, Ravi Zacharias, a Christian apologist, shows how the gospel can be "Good News for Happy Pagans." Plus, several assessments aid your leaders to evaluate the effectiveness of your church at outreach. "From Friendly to Connecting" will prompt your leaders to determine how well your church connects new people into the life of the church.

Table of Contents:

Turning Conversion into Commitment
4 questions to strengthen our evangelism efforts.
Win Arn & Charles Arn

From Friendly to Connecting
Overcome 9 barriers to adopting visitors.
Calvin Ratz

Ready or Not?
3 questions to evaluate a church's readiness to reach out.
Douglas J. Brouwer

From Comfort to Commitment
Why many members find growth difficult.
Lyle E. Schaller

Customized Strategy
Why evangelism plans must be tailor-made.
Dave Wilkinson

Inward to Outward
How an established congregation responded to its changing community.
Jock Ficken

Good News for Happy Pagans
How our church can reach those who don't seem to need Christ.
with Ravi Zacharias

Warming Up Worship
5 ways to encourage visitors to return.
Don Cousins

Windows of Opportunity
7 transitions that God can use.
Gary L. McIntosh

Becoming a Good Neighbor
6 keys to a good reputation for you church.
John H. Beukema

Hope for the No-Growth Church
6 ways to begins reaching out.
Stephen McMullin

$ 14.99

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