Cultivating Cooperative Communication with Parents



$ 9.99 $ 7.99
NOTE: Due to arrangements with content providers, this tool isn't offered as part of the BCL membership.
Parents hold many expectations--some spoken, some assumed--when they leave their children with you. Are their children growing, learning, having fun? Are they safe? Can they trust you? The first step toward answering these questions is effective communication. To build a trusting relationship with parents, you must first clarify what people can expect from your ministry, then listen and respond to parental feedback.

This tool is adapted from "Experience What Parents Want in Early Childhood," a PromiseLand Conference workshop by Otis Price. PromiseLand is a ministry of the Willow Creek Association.

Table of Contents:

Preventing Misunderstandings with Mission
Take the first step in building trust with parents by clarifying expectations.
Jean Jespersen

Communicating Expectations
With your mission in hand, it's time to invite everyone to partner in ministry.
Jean Jespersen

Learning to Listen Effectively
Parents learn to trust those ministries that listen to their concerns.
Jean Jespersen

Responding to Expectations with Discernment
Every parental concern is important, but not every expectation can be met.
Jean Jespersen

$ 9.99 $ 7.99
NOTE: Due to arrangements with content providers, this tool isn't offered as part of the BCL membership.

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