Fear of Failure



$ 14.99

My view of success and God's view aren't always the same, says Max Lucado in our resource below.

In ministry it is all too easy to be plagued by fears of failure or inadequacy. Many of these fears stem from flawed expectations or a narrow perspective. This 30-page resource has articles, devotionals, assessments, and more that offer insights and practices to help you gain a more biblical (and more encouraging) outlook.

Table of Contents:

Motivation for the Long Haul
Building blocks for a strong foundation.
Roger Thompson

The Applause of Heaven and Earth
An interview with Max Lucado.
Marshall Shelley and Brian Larson

Faithful Despite Fears
Seeking a new understanding of success in ministry.
Stuart Briscoe

Too Impressed with Success?
Could our fear of failure stem from a misunderstanding of success?
Ben Patterson

What Can I Handle?
Understanding our basic response to risks helps us determine whether our fears are justified.
Terry C. Muck

Finding Hope in Failure
How one pastor learned ministry isn't about winning.
Andre Bustanoby

Overcoming Self-Doubt
Even the most outwardly confident achievers often struggle with self-acceptance.
Richard C. Halverson

Ambition Crippler
Dealing with past failures.
Richard Doebler

Between Failure and Fraud
Finding a balance between two different voices—the assessing and the accusing.
Mark Labberton

Slaying Spiritual Skepticism
Taking special care to combat skepticism.
John Ortberg

Great is Thy Effectiveness? (free sample)
There's danger in rooting our identity in ministry rather than in Christ.
Skye Jethani

Definition of Success
Re-evaluating your views of success and failure.
Tyler Charles

$ 14.99

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