Motivating Leaders



$ 14.99
John Maxwell, former pastor and now president of INJOY, an organization that specializes in training leaders, shares some of his best insights on motivation with '"The Potential Around You." Plus, pass out '"Finding Your Leadership Style," which will help your leaders identify their primary leadership gifts?and thus strengthen your church. These?and other handouts?will communicate to your leaders that ministry, at its core, is a heart for God.

Table of Contents:

Finding Your Leadership Style
10 ways to lead God's people.
Bill Hybels

3 Key Positions on a Winning Team
Putting the right people in the right places.
Randy Frazee

Holding People Back?
10 unintentional approaches that keep leaders from emerging.
Fred Smith Sr.

From Setback to Solution
Discouragement does not have to be terminal.
Robert J. Morgan

Unity Amid Change
Introducing new ideas that motivate everyone.
Robert J. Morgan

The Potential Around You
How to add value to those you serve.
with John Maxwell

Keeping Leaders Aflame
How to prevent volunteer burnout.
Robert J. Morgan

Sparks That Ignite into Flame
Motivation for the tough tasks.
Roger Thompson

Motivation or Manipulation?
Bringing out the best in people.
Fred Smith, Sr.

Ministry's Fuel
Love must be our primary motivation.
Craig Brian Larson

Strength For Difficult Days
Setting our affections on things above.
Craig Brian Larson

Staring Down the Lions
To motivate great leaders, give them a challenging task.
Steven D. Mathewson

$ 14.99

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