Sexual Integrity



$ 14.99
As our culture becomes increasingly sex-charged, the ability for Christian leaders to stumble only grows. Churches must speak frankly about temptations, and the boundaries and guidelines that are necessary to help prevent leaders from giving in. This resource outlines the many different aspects churches must address in order to build healthy, open, and honest leaders.

Table of Contents:

Three Ways to Live
Biblical examples for being in--but not of--a fallen world
Mark Buchanan

Living in a Modern Corinth
Actively pursuing purity in a sex-saturated world
Randy Alcorn

Precautions in Place
Are you taking the practical steps to reduce the risk of sexual misconduct?
Richard Hammar

The Real and Untold Cost
The fallout of sexual sin reaches far and wide.
Randy Alcorn

Overturning the Myths about Sex
Is your teaching taking a stand against these false teachings?
Jenell Williams Paris

Being Moral Isn't Enough
Before a moral failure comes an ethical lapse.
Archibald Hart

Fences Bring Freedom
How boundaries can liberate us.
Randy Alcorn

But I'm An Exception!
Putting ourselves above the rules opens the door to failure.
Bill Hybels

Before the Next Sex Scandal
How your church and your pastor may prevent the predictable.
Christianity Today

Private Sins of Public Ministry
3 church leaders discuss lust?s power and how leaders can overcome it.
Leadership journal

Taking the Upper Hand
Victory over temptation begins with reflection, prayer, and boundaries.
Richard Exley

Setting Ethical Codes
Clergy and counselors have standards that can apply to all church leaders.
Archibald Hart

Did Not Finish
Leaders must avoid this tragic epitaph.
Gordon MacDonald

$ 14.99

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