Expositional Teaching



$ 14.99
The aim of a Biblical teacher, says Haddon Robinson, is "to take the sacred text, explain what it means, tie it to other passages so people can see the whole a little better, and apply it to life so it bites and heals, instructs and edifies. What better way to accomplish this end than through expository teaching?" This resource offers an overview and introduction to expository teaching for lay leaders. You may use it either for a training session or to give individually to key people involved in adult education to help them make the most of their teaching time.

This 16-page resource is designed to help equip Sunday school teachers and Bible study leaders to interpret the Bible and teach it faithfully to their students and small groups.

Table of Contents:

The Merits of Expositional Teaching
This method keeps our teaching based on the Bible.
D.A. Carson

Understanding Expository Teaching
An interview with Bryan Chapell.
interview with Bryan Chapell

What Do We Bring to the Bible? (free sample)
Uncover your presuppositions to unlock a new way of understanding.
Brandon O'Brien

The Journey of Interpretation
How we move from the Bible to our lives.
J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays

From the Bible to the Classroom
How to keep the Bible first.
Haddon Robinson

Tips for Preparation
A few tips for maximizing your research time.
Haddon Robinson

Killer Applications
How to make sure you hard work hits home.
David Mains

$ 14.99

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