Intergenerational Outreach: Come Together for Effective Ministry



$ 14.99
Each rising generation brings with it a new understanding of what it means to be Christian. These ideas shape the way people think about what it means to reach people for Christ--and what this should look like. And too often disagreements over the best way to reach out end up derailing all the church's efforts to fulfill one of its most important calls.

Table of Contents:

Reversing Age Segregation (free sample)
Why the generations need to be together.
Holly Catterton Allen

Outlooks on Outreach
Can one church handle two generations' attitudes toward evangelism and service?
A conversation with James and Jonathan Merritt

From Relevant Dude to Spiritual Father
A new generation is looking for something very different.
Kevin A. Miller

Connector Churches
These nine traits characterize churches that reach young adults.
Ed Stetzer

Celtic-Style Evangelism
Saint Patrick modeled a style of evangelism that is especially useful in our time.
Jim Henderson

Three Faces of Graceful Justice
Combine justice and evangelism to engage the interests of multiple generations.
Lance Ford

$ 14.99

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