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Children's Ministry: Interview and Evaluate Volunteers
For a ministry to thrive, the right people must be placed in the right spots. This requires an effective process of application, interview, and evaluation. The materials in this theme will give you practical guidance through this process, including example applications and reference check forms.
This tool is adapted from "Keys to Interviewing and Placing Volunteers," a PromiseLand Conference workshop by Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin. PromiseLand is a ministry of the Willow Creek Association.
Table of Contents:
How to Conduct a Formal Interview
Seven steps to lead you through the interviewing process.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Interview Questions
These questions can help you find the right people for your children's ministry.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Frequently Asked Questions about Interviewing
What to do about the complexities that come up in an interview.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Application to Work in Children's Ministry: Confidential Child Protection Form
To enable the church to carry out its mission while safeguarding minors against emotional, physical, and sexual abuses.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Reference Check Form
To give the church interviewer a summary of questions to ask and a place to include answers.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
This tool is adapted from "Keys to Interviewing and Placing Volunteers," a PromiseLand Conference workshop by Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin. PromiseLand is a ministry of the Willow Creek Association.
Table of Contents:
How to Conduct a Formal Interview
Seven steps to lead you through the interviewing process.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Interview Questions
These questions can help you find the right people for your children's ministry.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Frequently Asked Questions about Interviewing
What to do about the complexities that come up in an interview.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Application to Work in Children's Ministry: Confidential Child Protection Form
To enable the church to carry out its mission while safeguarding minors against emotional, physical, and sexual abuses.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
Reference Check Form
To give the church interviewer a summary of questions to ask and a place to include answers.
Jim Braniff and Donna Irwin
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