Children's Ministry: Managing a Big Ministry with a Small Staff



$ 9.99 $ 7.99
NOTE: Due to arrangements with content providers, this tool isn't offered as part of the BCL membership.
Managing dozens of children requires dozens of hands. Managing hundreds takes even more. But few churches have the resources to hire more than one or two staff people in children's ministry. More often, too few people are taking on too many responsibilities, and getting burned out in the process. Whether paid staff or volunteer leaders are managing your children's ministry, wisely dividing roles and responsibilities helps leaders lead without burning out.

This tool is adapted from "Ministry Structure with Three or Less Paid Staff," a PromiseLand Conference workshop by Nancy Rose. PromiseLand is a ministry of the Willow Creek Association.

Table of Contents:

The Roles and Responsibilities of Staff
If you can't hire more staff, enable your current staff to minister more efficiently.
Nancy Rose

The Roles and Responsibilities of Volunteer Leaders
You cannot manage a growing ministry with staff alone.
Nancy Rose

Encourage Volunteers, Avoid Burnout
As the ministry grows, your staff aren't the only ones who will feel the heat.
Nancy Rose

$ 9.99 $ 7.99
NOTE: Due to arrangements with content providers, this tool isn't offered as part of the BCL membership.

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