Planning the Worship Service



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Could you use guidance as you plan, implement, and evaluate your church's worship service? As you face this process, this download can help. Simply print the handouts you need and use them as necessary. The handouts give a succinct and practical overview of the issues most relevant to planning the worship service. You may use them at the beginning of a meeting to help launch a discussion, or for background information as you tackle the various elements of a worship service.

Table of Contents:

How God Evaluates Worship
Putting good theology into congregational practice involves more than just the mind.
Jack Hayford

Write a Congregational Worship Statement
Help your congregation focus by clarifying why your church worships as they do.
Norma Dewaal Malefyt and Howard Vanderwell

Prime Your People to Worship
How 5 pastors prepare their congregations for God's presence.
John Casey, Ray Chang, Sheron Patterson, Donald Grey Barnhouse Jr., and Dan Scott

How to Find a Worship Leader
5 qualities to keep in mind.
Gordon MacDonald

How to Develop a Worship Team
Practical ideas for putting together a team.
Randy L. Rowland

Multiple Worship Planning Teams
Make the worship planning manageable by spreading the work between many teams.
Norma Dewaal Malefyt and Howard Vanderwell

Six Steps to an Effective Service
How Granger Community Church plans its services.
Mark Beeson

Plan the Worship Service
Keep these eight steps in mind when planning a worship service.
Norma Dewaal Malefyt and Howard Vanderwell

Worship as Dialogue
Never forget that worship is about God, not us.
Norma Dewaal Malefyt and Howard Vanderwell

Leading Worship Leaders
4 ways to guide artists.
Nancy Beach

Was It Worship?
A diagnostic tool for evaluating your service.
Leadership journal

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