Hiring a Pastor



$ 14.99
This download is suited for churches in transition. It contains 12 forms and documents to help you streamline the hiring process: job applications, position descriptions, ad templates, even a sample letter of call. All the forms are designed to be modified for your individual church.

Table of Contents:

Hiring and Interviewing Pastoral Candidates
An overview of the process that will stretch both candidate and congregation
John R. Throop

Guidelines and Questions for the Search Committee Interview Process
John R. Throop

Preparation for the Job Description
John R. Throop

Display Ad: Senior Pastor
John R. Throop

Classified Ad: Senior Pastor
John R. Throop

Fourteen Steps in the Church Hiring Process
John R. Throop

Senior Pastor Position Description
John R. Throop

Administrative Pastor Job Description
John R. Throop

Pastor Application Form
John R. Throop

Sexual Misconduct Self-Certification
John R. Throop

Sexual Background Check Disclosure Form
John R. Throop

Pastoral Call Form
John R. Throop

$ 14.99

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