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Practicing Biblical Justice
Social justice may now be a ministry buzzword, but it's not a new concept. James 1:27 says that the kind of "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Earlier Scripture says, "The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern" (Prov. 29:7). How is your church reflecting God's heart for justice?
This 24-page resource is designed to help you understand what the Bible says about God's heart for justice and what it looks like to live that out in your church.
Table of Contents:
What Is Biblical Justice?
The theology of justice flows from the heart of God.
Paul Louis Metzger
The Three Faces of Graceful Justice
These churches are combining justice and evangelism.
Lance Ford
A Mighty River or a Slippery Slope?
Examining the cultural and theological forces behind the new interest in justice.
Mark Labberton
Personal but Never Private
An interview with Mark Dever and Jim Wallis.
Preaching Like a Prophet
We dare not be silent about injustices, if only we can see them as God does.
John Ortberg
Insignificant is Beautiful
Why exactly do we want to make a difference in the world?
Mark Galli
Becoming a Just Church
Engage the church's call to pursue justice.
An interview with Jim Martin
This 24-page resource is designed to help you understand what the Bible says about God's heart for justice and what it looks like to live that out in your church.
Table of Contents:
What Is Biblical Justice?
The theology of justice flows from the heart of God.
Paul Louis Metzger
The Three Faces of Graceful Justice
These churches are combining justice and evangelism.
Lance Ford
A Mighty River or a Slippery Slope?
Examining the cultural and theological forces behind the new interest in justice.
Mark Labberton
Personal but Never Private
An interview with Mark Dever and Jim Wallis.
Preaching Like a Prophet
We dare not be silent about injustices, if only we can see them as God does.
John Ortberg
Insignificant is Beautiful
Why exactly do we want to make a difference in the world?
Mark Galli
Becoming a Just Church
Engage the church's call to pursue justice.
An interview with Jim Martin
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