Wedding Arrangements



$ 14.99
Weddings require a lot of preparation and attention to detail. These forms and policies will assist your church in deepening and strengthening your congregation's mission and commitment to work with people who seek to celebrate their marriage and begin their life together.

Table of Contents:

Preparation for the Celebration
Church planning for wedding services involves the people, the place, and God.
John R. Throop

Wedding Services: Introductory Letter
Communicate well with couples getting married in your church.
Building Church Leaders

Wedding Information Sheet
A great resource to get all the information you need.
Building Church Leaders

Your Wedding: Guidelines
Clearly communicate your church's policies for everything with their wedding.
Building Church Leaders

Wedding Policies and Procedures
Set the expectations for facility use during a wedding.
Building Church Leaders

Wedding Reservation Form
Get all the information you need from couples planning their wedding.
Building Church Leaders

Music Selection Forms
Help couples decide on the music they will use.
Building Church Leaders

Use these guidelines to set the standards for those planning a wedding.
Building Church Leaders

Photographer Policies
Use these guidelines to set the standards for those planning a wedding.
Building Church Leaders

Videographer Policies
Use these guidelines to set the standards for those planning a wedding.
Building Church Leaders

Remarriage Petition Forms
Get the appropriate information to make a decision about blessing a remarriage.
Building Church Leaders

$ 14.99

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