Women & the Church



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Each of us comes to the issue of women's roles within the church with different backgrounds, understandings of Scripture, and encounters with the Holy Spirit. This downloadable resource from Gifted for Leadership is not intended to sway you one way or the other, but to help you navigate where God wants you to be as a woman in his church, and to help you understand this issue in your life.

Table of Contents:

Women Leaders on Giftedness and Roles
A forum with Jill Briscoe, Mary Kassian, Jean Thompson, and Miriam Adeney.
Wendy Murray Zoba and Helen Lee

Empowering Modern Church Ladies
With a background quite unlike your typical pastor--Holly Wagner hopes to inspire the next generation of Christian women to become forces on earth--and thinks you should, too.
Camerin Courtney

Adam and Eve in the 21st Century
When it comes to gender roles, Christianity Today readers oscillate between complementarian and egalitarian ideas.
Agnieszka Tennant

Does the Bible Really Say I Can't Teach Men?
Reconciling God's gifts with His Word.
Jill Briscoe

Is Christianity Oppressive to Women?
Sometimes our Christian heritage must be overcome, not celebrated.
Linda Hartz Rump

What has Gender Got to Do With It?
Wesleyan-Holiness were led by women long before the rise of the modern women's movement.
Rebecca Laird

Nuptial Agreements
Two models of marriage claim biblical warrant and vie for evangelicals' allegiance. Advocates of both claim good results. But do we have to choose?
Agnieszka Tennant

Battle for the Sexes
Finding common ground between entrenched gender roles warriors.
Melody Pugh

Putting Gifts to Good Use
3 ways to discern how God wired you and your team.
Nancy Ortberg

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