Creating Community



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Fellowship is more than coffee talk between worship and Sunday school, but how can we move beyond small talk to help relationships become more authentic? This theme covers communication basics, such as how to respect others in speech, and tackles harder topics, such as promoting confession and why we resist honesty with others.

Table of Contents:

The Power of Like-Mindedness
A study on how to obey the Bible's words, be like-minded.
Steven Mathewson

None of Us Are Sinners Emeritus
Why many people are scared of true fellowship-and what to do about that.
with Bruce Larson

10 Rules for Respect
A communication covenant to help leaders build trust.
Charles Christian

Willing to Be Honest (free sample)
Winning the struggle to open up.
Sandy Sheppard

What's Your Encouragement Style? (free sample)
8 ways to affirm others.
Jeanne Zornes

Healing From a Painful Past
How can a congregation move beyond the times of difficulty?
Kenneth Quick

The God Who Shares Your Pain (free sample)
The fact God-with-us is our best and deepest comfort.
Henri Nouwen, et al.

6 Ways to Care
Varied strategies for a church to help people in need.
Dale Ryan

When Members Cry for Help
How to recognize and respond when people are about to drop out of church.
John Savage

Why 40 Is a Fellowship Barrier
What size should church groups be? That depends.
Lyle Schaller

Thankful Connections
Listing the reasons you appreciate others can solidify your bond with them.
Steven Mathewson

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