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Evangelistic and Newcomer Ministry
These 17 descriptions and forms will provide evangelism committees, newcomer ministries, outreach groups, pastors, and other leaders with materials that offer many options for the church in communicating in a gentle but clear way with unchurched persons.
Table of Contents:
Evangelism and Outreach in the Local Church
John Throop
The Role of the Pastor in Evangelism
20 Questions to Evaluate Effectiveness in Evangelism
Evangelism Readiness Assessment
8 Razones Para Creer en la fe cristiana
Targeting Our Community for Evangelism
An Outline for New Member Targeting
Newcomer/Visitor Package
Guest Welcome Center
Newcomer Welcome Letter
Newcomer Welcome Letter
Newcomer E-Mail
Newcomer Follow-up Plan
Newcomer Party Plans
Current Year Outreach Plan
Ten Steps to Planning Outreach Events
Received Christ Letter
Christmas Outreach Postcard