Evangelistic and Newcomer Ministry



$ 14.99

These 17 descriptions and forms will provide evangelism committees, newcomer ministries, outreach groups, pastors, and other leaders with materials that offer many options for the church in communicating in a gentle but clear way with unchurched persons.

Table of Contents:

Evangelism and Outreach in the Local Church
John Throop

The Role of the Pastor in Evangelism

20 Questions to Evaluate Effectiveness in Evangelism

Evangelism Readiness Assessment

8 Razones Para Creer en la fe cristiana

Targeting Our Community for Evangelism

An Outline for New Member Targeting

Newcomer/Visitor Package

Guest Welcome Center

Newcomer Welcome Letter

Newcomer Welcome Letter

Newcomer E-Mail

Newcomer Follow-up Plan

Newcomer Party Plans

Current Year Outreach Plan

Ten Steps to Planning Outreach Events

Received Christ Letter

Christmas Outreach Postcard

$ 14.99

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