Intentional Worship Space Assessment Pack



$ 9.99
Does the layout and composition of your church's worship space say what you think it does? Use this set of questionnaires to evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of your facilities.

Table of Contents:

Building to Worship
Four questions to ask when designing a worship space.
by Rob Hewitt

Communicating Your Priorities
Three questions to help align your practice and priorities.
by Matt Tebbe

Choosing Worship Seating
Does your seating reflect your values?
by Lee A. Dean

Putting Light to Work
How well do you use lighting in worship?
by Mollie M. Clarahan

The Baptistery for You
Some points to consider before investing in a new unit.
by Julaine Swithers

The Ten Commandments of Postmodern Church Design
See if your church is ready for changes in church culture.
by Leonard Sweet

$ 9.99

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