Suicide: Help for Before and After



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If you know family and friends of a suicide victim, discerning how to react and help is hard.

These five articles from Leadership Journal provide suicide warning signs and prevention steps to use before a tragedy occurs, a process for how to respond if a tragedy has occurred, and encouragement to those ministering to the left behind. Also included is a forum that answers common questions and misconceptions about suicide.

Table of Contents:

When You Get the Call
What to do when someone is threatening suicide.
James D. Berkley

Saving Suicidal Teenagers
Warning signals from the young and vulnerable.
Jolene L. Roehlkepartain

After a Suicide
What is the best way to serve those left behind?
Randy Christian

Ministering to the Survivors
How does a church leader answer the questions raised by a suicide?
Forum hosted Clayton Bell

Man of Sorrows
His firstborn son had broken his heart. Had he also broken his ministry?
Harold Fickett

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