Learning to Delegate Assessment Pack



$ 9.99
It often seems easier to do everything yourself than to delegate your tasks. In the long run, of course, that isn't healthy for you or your church.

This set of assessments will help you give other budding leaders a chance to step up and guard yourself from burnout. Measure how well you're delegating and learn where you might improve.

Table of Contents:

Learning to Let Go
3 reasons to delegate responsibilities to volunteers.
by Steven B. Sample

Different Types of Leaders
3 types of leaders and how to spot them.
by Angela Yee

Where to Find New Leaders
Here's how to find the leaders you need.
by Angela Yee

Using Appropriate Motivation
4 ways to motivate your volunteers.
by Leith Anderson

Delegation Requires Development
8 guidelines for ensuring that your volunteers are ready for responsibility.
by Angela Yee

Equipping the Saints
Delegating requires that we encourage and equip volunteers.
by Krista Petty

Developing One-Bullet Leaders
A checklist for simplifying delegate responsibilities.
by Clark Cothern

$ 9.99

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