When It's Time to Leave



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Have you struggled with when it's important to stay at your church and when it's best to leave? Are you afraid to make a decision that affects so many people?

In these nine articles from Leadership journal, seasoned church leaders share what they've learned from their time in ministry--when to have patience and stay, and what are the signals that it's time to go. This tool will help you discern God's will and walk through this important decision in a godly way.

Table of Contents:

What I Wish I'd Known Before I Quit
Lessons of a pastor who left too soon.
Anthony Laird

Time Is on Our Side
The priceless lesson I learned about perseverance.
Craig Brian Larson

When It's Time to Leave
Annually wrestle with this, budgeting time for self-examination and the insight of reliable counselors.
Gordon MacDonald

When Not to Leave
These three principles will help to guide you.
Paul Anderson

Pastor's Progress
Learning from the dark moments on my journey to the Celestial City.
Gordon MacDonald

Seeing God's Call in a Church's Call
A call to a specific church can be as mysterious as a call to ministry.
Ed Bratcher

My Former Church Apologized
I had been forced to resign. What would it be like to return?
Name withheld

Preparing to Leave
I?ve gradually learned how to leave properly, so that with the tension there is also a sense of joy.
Robert Kemper

Preparing for Retirement
Saying goodbye properly is part of preparing for retirement.
Ed Bratcher

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